I don't like me
Video, 54 sec, 2020

Observing any particular view implies a point of observation, or "observer". The fundamental separation of the observed and the observer makes it impossible to determine the latter. After all, any definition will belong to the category of observable due to the fact of observability. Accordingly, the observer has no boundaries and is a universal and all-inclusive phenomenon.

Viewers (conceptually this is an ensemble of all possible viewers) in this artwork become an "observer", a single field of awareness. Video is the object of monitoring. Thus, the process of observation from a universal point of the artist's self-image is realized. This is a look at the category of self-attitude. Who is the one who relates? If I don't like myself, then who is this "myself"?

Watching the viewer, I can watch the watcher.
I don`t like me
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